Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches


Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches

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Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches

Welcome to the book Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches by @EltonStoneman.

You can also:

And when you’ve learned Docker, your next step is Kubernetes :)

Elevator Pitch

Go from zero to production readiness with Docker in 20 bite-sized lessons! Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches is an accessible task-focused guide to Docker on Linux, Windows, or Mac systems.

In it you’ll learn practical Docker skills to help you tackle the challenges of modern IT, from cloud migration and microservices to handling legacy systems.

There’s no excessive theory or niche-use cases - just a quick-and-easy guide to the essentials of Docker you’ll use every day.

Live Stream & Giveaways

I’m streaming the book live in September 2020 with a chapter every weekday, and I have copies to give away every week. The live sessions are all recorded so you can watch them again.

You can find all the videos in the Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches playlist.

Week 1 - Understanding Docker containers and images

Week 2 - Running distributed applications in containers

Week 3 - Running at scale with a container orchestrator

Week 4 - Getting your containers ready for production

About Me

I’m a freelance consultant and trainer, specializing in Docker, Kubernetes and Microsoft Azure.

I spent most of my career as a consultant, designing and building large enterprise applications. Then I discovered the container revolution in 2014, joined Docker and worked with the team for three fast and furious years.

Now I help people break up those old enterprise apps and build new cloud-native apps - and run them all in Docker and Kubernetes. I speak and run workshops at conferences around the world (pandemics permitting), write books and video courses and I help organizations at every stage in their container journey.

I’m an 11-time Microsoft MVP and a Docker Captain.

You’ll find my other content here:

A Note About Tech Accessibility

One important thing about Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches: I want it to be as accessible as possible. Too many Docker books assume that you’re a Linux guru, and they give you exercises that work only on Intel machines and make sense only if you’ve spent years working as a sysadmin.

This book is different. All the code samples and exercises are cross-platform and work on Windows, Mac, Linux, Intel, and Arm. You should be able to follow along with Windows 10 on your desktop, OSX on your MacBook, or Debian on your Raspberry Pi.

I’ve also tried hard to assume a minimum amount of background knowledge — Docker crosses the boundaries of architecture, development, and operations, and I’ve tried to do the same. This book should work for you whatever your background in IT.

Cover Art

Cover of the book, Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches